West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Bandyopadhyay protested against another incident of elimination of 4 million Bengali people in Assam's civil registration. He expressed his anger over the 'identity' poem. At the same time, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also shook.
Mamta is the author, poet, novelist, songwriter, painter. Hey pictures too. There are exhibitions with pictures of his paintings.
Today, the publication of the 'identity' poem published in Calcutta's media on Tuesday has led to the emergence of Assamese citizen registration and anger against the central BJP government. In this 46-line poem, Mamata points out that politics of the caste system of Garuda camp in terms of surname, father, language, religion etc. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Man Kya Arth' program also has anecdotes about his poetry.
News 100% credited by : Prothom Alo
Hon'ble Minister of West Bengal Mamta Banerjee Poem about Aassam 80 Lacks NRC non-listed
News 100% credited by : Prothom Alo
Porichoy Kobita Bengali Part 1 Mamta Banerjee |
Porichoy Kobita Bengali Part 2 Mamta Banerjee
Porchay Kavita Hindi, Mamta Banerjee
Parichay Poem English - Mamta Banerjee |