Guest post
Awesomeraja is a site developed by Sujon Kumar Roy. Its main aim is to learn every part about the entire world info We have tried our best to update such contents on this site which are used in our daily life by even a general end user.
After so many requests from our followers, we have decided to let them post something on this site.
YES!! You can now post on Awesomeraja.
It’s very simple, just mail your post to any of the following ID and your article will be posted after moderation.
We suggest reading following rules before submitting any guest post:
1. Your article should be original and should not be copied from anywhere.
2. Give proper credit to the source.
3. Should not contain any affiliate link.
4. Should be well formatted.
5. If article is published on this site then don’t publish anywhere else.
We will give one line credit to author at the top of article and at the end of article. We will not publish your email unless asked to do so.
So, get started and submit your article for review.
For any questions, feel free to contact us.
Keep on reading this site and ask your friends to join.
Enjoy Informative Idea.
Below are the links of some of the guest posts submitted by user....
Awesomeraja Team