30 Facts You May not Know About Protein!
Is it possible to live without protein? What happens when there is too much or too little protein in the body? What is the best fish protein, and what cheese? What differs animal protein from vegetable protein? and is the protein in eggs the best quality of protein?
35 interesting facts you did not know about ... Protein!
1. Protein is a core building block for the trillions of cells in the human body. without protein, no life could exist. The only material which is more common in the body than protein is water. 18%-20% of the body is protein.
2. The human body has about 100,000 different types of protein. The body them needs to grow, heal and sustain all the body's chemical reactions.
3. The word protein is derived from the Greek word - proteios meaning "first".
4. Proteins in the body come in many shapes and sizes. Simple proteins look like "little trains" with a lot of cars. Each "car" or such protein unit, is called an amino acid. What is common to all the different types of proteins in the body is that they are all complex chemicals made from over 20 different types of amino acids.
5. While beef is a much more popular meat than chicken, the protein content is lower than that found in chicken meat.
6. Excess protein can also cause weight gain.
7. In 2010, the athlete Ben Pearson, then 20, increased his protein intake to increase muscle size. However, he did not know he had a rare genetic disorder that prevented his body from breaking down proteins. High levels of protein in his body caused increased production of ammonia in the blood, causing the brain to swell and tragically, caused Pearson's death.
8. Hair is composed of insoluble fibrous and non-digested protein called keratin. Keratin protein appears in the form of a coil and a creates the horned tissue of the body, such as nails and hair. Curt in has sulfur bonds that make hair curly. The more sulfur ties, the more curly hair.