If you are searching something on Google like book,song or a zip file then sometimes you may not get the desired result into your search result.also you have to do lot of struggle while fetching your file.
but now I will tell you a procedure by which you can save your lot of your precious time and clicks and can get the indexed result by which you can view and download your content instantaneously.
This made possible by a Program called Greasemonkey and a script.
This all Demo is performed on Mozilla firefox Internet browser.
Mozilla Firefox-->
1--> Install The Greasemonkey program on Firefox Addon(Works with Firefox 3 - 5)
Click me to Install Greasemonkey
Click me to install Google Pirate
3--> Now just open www.google.com and refine your search.
For other browsers:-
Opera Pc Browser-->
Go to:- Menu -->Settings-->Preferences -->Advanced-->Content-->options
Select the directory where you will put your User files. Opera will load all files
in the specified directory whose names end with .js and will use them as user files.
Google Chrome-->
Google Chrome (version 4 and higher) have built-in support for Greasemonkey
style user scripts.To use justclick on any .js file directly.You should see an install dialog.
Press OK to install.
Comment your Feelings and Suggestions Into below comment box... Thanks!!!
but now I will tell you a procedure by which you can save your lot of your precious time and clicks and can get the indexed result by which you can view and download your content instantaneously.
This made possible by a Program called Greasemonkey and a script.
This all Demo is performed on Mozilla firefox Internet browser.
Mozilla Firefox-->
1--> Install The Greasemonkey program on Firefox Addon(Works with Firefox 3 - 5)
Click me to Install Greasemonkey
2--> Install a user script name 'Google pirate V2 Extended' by Cface Thanking him alot
for making such a nice script for us.
3--> Now just open www.google.com and refine your search.
For other browsers:-
Opera Pc Browser-->
Go to:- Menu -->Settings-->Preferences -->Advanced-->Content-->options
Select the directory where you will put your User files. Opera will load all files
in the specified directory whose names end with .js and will use them as user files.
Google Chrome-->
Google Chrome (version 4 and higher) have built-in support for Greasemonkey
style user scripts.To use justclick on any .js file directly.You should see an install dialog.
Press OK to install.
Comment your Feelings and Suggestions Into below comment box... Thanks!!!